
Could the Real Secret to Weight Loss be something as simple as tea

There standing in the wilds of Africa with a massive, red, venomous snake looking right at her a single thought racing through her mind –“Why in the world did I risk my life for this cup of tea?”

The truth being Liz was looking for what she considered to be the weight loss “holy grail” – a tea that legend claimed completely erased hunger pangs.

Such an intriguing story made her decide to leave the comfort of home in the US and venture into a remote area of Africa populated by a Kenyan tribe to find out if the tales about this “voodoo tea” were true.

What she discovered changed her life, in that it allowed her to lose 41 pounds of unwanted fat.

That’s right, the tea really exists (and it’s definitely not “voodoo”), plus it’s turned out to be even better than the stories let on.

You see, not only does the tea get rid of hunger pangs, it also activates your body’s natural ability to burn fat. On top of all that, it boosts your energy without relying on potentially harmful caffeine.

I’m going to tell you all about this incredible tea, including how you can get the recipe, in just a minute. But before I do that, let me explain in a little more detail how Liz ended up in the jungles of Africa.

The first thing you should know about Liz is that she has degrees in both Psychology and Naturopathy, and has been a practicing Naturopath (ND) specializing in healing through nutrition for over 10 years.

Basically, what that means is Liz helps people lose weight and improve their health through their diet. Naturally, hearing about this amazing tea excited her.

The fact she heard the story whilst battling excess weight herself ultimately led her to Africa.

At that time, Liz’s pregnancy had taken an adverse toll. After multiple complications and being put on bed rest Liz spent 80% of the time stuck in bed, which forced her to give up the active lifestyle she loved.

She became sluggish and felt exhausted all the time, eventually developing a sweet tooth and absolutely losing control of her weight.

Feeling like a fraud. Here Liz was helping people all over the country lose weight and get the bodies they wanted whilst was lying in bed looking worse thanshe had in her entire life.

Honestly, feeling disgusted with herself, and even though Liz’s husband was very supportive, telling her he didn’t care what she looked like Liz knew deep down he just wasn’t attracted to her anymore.

Finally, she decided to face the music. Getting on the scale soon after having her baby and seeing that she was 41 pounds over her target weight she went bak to bed and cried.

If you’ve ever gained extra fat, if you’ve ever felt like your body was out of control,Liz can relate. More importantly Liz found a solution that works. It’s fast, easy, and tastes delicious. I’m going to tell you more about this tea in just a second.

This is the very same tea that helped Liz drop every one of those 41 hard-to-lose pounds. I feel that this stunning body transformation, coupled with the success stories of so many others who have followed her program, more than justify that “crazy” trip deep into the jungles of Africa.

Now, about that tea…

To put it simply, red tea has the most remarkable “fat-flushing” action Liz discovered in 15 years of travelling the world as a Medical Maverick.

Seeing some truly mind-blowing fat-loss results this red tea being by far the most impressive, most incredible thing she ever discovered.

In studying the tea Liz learned that its 5 unique ingredients are scientifically proven to trick stubborn fat cells to open and release hard-to-lose fat.

That means it’s now possible to flush away years — if not decades — of unwanted fat simply by drinking this powerful beverage.

Without getting too much into the science and boring you, the five herbal ingredients basically work in harmony to transmit signals from your brain to your fat cells to burn unwanted fat. It allows you to shrink your fat cells withoutany feelings of hunger.

Up until now, one of the main problems with trying to lose fat (especially around your belly) has always been getting stubborn fat cells to “let go” of the “locked-in fat” so the body can “flush harmful toxins and fat away.”

Due to cutting-edge research, we now know that the hormone “Noradrenaline” may hold the key to unlocking fat cells and shrinking them.

In a landmark study at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), part of the NIH, researchers showed that Noradrenaline is an arousing hormone known to control cell volume. (NIH/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. “Brain may flush out toxins during sleep; Sleep clears brain of molecules associated with neurodegeneration: Study.” ScienceDaily. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/10/131017144636.htm (accessed July 2, 2017).

In other words, Noradrenaline is what causes the action of “the incredible shrinking fat cell.” It signals your body to start using your belly fat for energy.

Now here is the really good news:

People who drink this delicious red tea experience increased Noradrenaline production. That’s why they lose a lot of weight, particularly in the typically hard-to-lose belly area.

Let me repeat what I just said:

Results show that fat cell size and fat storing volume actually shrink when you drink this red tea!

That is revolutionary information – and the benefits of drinking this tea don’t just stop at weight loss.

When Liz started drinking this incredibly delicious red tea her entire mood changed. Instead of being exhausted, she had a ton of natural energy.

This red tea was unbelievably refreshing, and when Liz drank it she was never hungry.

Drinking red tea also helped her completely eliminate soda addiction.

Liz also noticed after a few days of drinking the red tea that she was sweating less, her breathing was easier, in spite of the intense African heat, which often rose to a scorching 105 degrees!

Plus, even though Liz was physically exerting herself on her travels in Africa, She actually had more energy than ever before.

She started sleeping better and waking up feeling more rested and refreshed, she was calmer and more relaxed, despite having to deal with the hordes of flies that were in the area!

And that’s still not all the benefits that Liz noticed: her stress level dropped, and she was happier than she’d been in a very long time.

Of course, the weight loss was what really got her attention. The weight was really falling off.

Liz lost almost 20 pounds in the first couple of months.

That’s when she knew… Liz wasn’t crazy for making that trip to Africa. In fact, it was probably the best decision of her life! I think red tea might just be one of the biggest weight loss discoveries of the past 50 to 100 years.

It is certainly working for many people who have struggled to lose weight in the past. To learn about the five ingredients that make up red tea (all are available at the local grocery store), click here. http://bit.ly/Cleanpee You’ll also learn more about how red tea can help you lose weight and get the body of your dreams.

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